Waiving of the admission exam
The admission exam can be waived upon an applicant’s request in case the applicant meets the criteria set for a given programme. Such request is submitted and handled through the university’s electronic information system and must be submitted by 29 February 2024.
The students who completed bachelor programmes at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, do not have to provide a proof that they meet the criteria.
It is not possible to waive the admission exam for other reasons than previous study programmes.
For the study programme Demography, the graduates from the following bachelor programmes can have the admission exam waived if their study results’ average was 2.0 or better for the first four semesters (all the exams taken before the last day of the fourth semester are counted in):
B0532A330007 Applied Geography with all specializations
B0314A330001 Demography with all specializations
B0114A330001 Geography for Teacher Education
1301R007 Geography and Cartography
1301R023 Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
1301R027 Social Geography and Geoinformatics
1303R005 Demography and Sociology
1303R004 Demography and Social Geography
1303R002 Demography and Economics
7504R180 Geography Oriented at Education
7504R181 Geography Oriented at Education
3913R001 Earth Sciences
1202R011 Surface and Underground Water