
You are strongly advised to find accommodation well in advance of your planned arrival as the capacity of employee apartments owned by Charles University is limited.

The accommodation for Charles University students in Prague is provided primarily by Koleje a menzy UK (KaM; Charles University’s Dormitories and Canteens). You can also apply for accommodation at a different university’s dormitory. A list of dorms in Prague operated by KaM is available on the Internet (

Students without accommodation and the future students of all tertiary schools in the Czech Republic can apply for accommodation directly to the CU dorm of their choice, subject to availability. Applications are submitted either to the dorms’ accommodation offices or online through a sales web portal accessible from the KaM website (; Czech only). Detailed information on the procedure for applying for accommodation is provided in Director’s Measure No. 9/2015 (

The available dorm capacity can be used for accommodation at any time during the year. Large dorms outside the centre of Prague (Jižní Město, Hvězda, Větrník) almost always have vacant accommodation capacity, and even dorms in Prague’s centre (Budeč, Švehlova, Jednota) sometimes offer vacant rooms. You should always contact the dormitory’s office beforehand. Moving in is usually possible from September, which is also when the dorm boards open reservation apps on their websites for booking moving in dates and, sometimes, for booking specific rooms.

Additional detailed information for CU students is available on the KaM website. There, you will also find the deadlines you have to observe when submitting applications for accommodation in Charles University dormitories (Director’s Measure No.11/2020,

Koleje a menzy UK:

Booking portal and the REHOS system: (Czech only)

Several university apartments are available, too. They are limited in number, however, and a call for tenders only happens when an apartment is vacated. Hence, you are advised to find private accommodation. You can search for this on multiple commercial web portals (such as Sreality). Realtors charge a commission, usually equal to one month’s rent. However, it is possible to find offers requiring only a refundable security deposit; this is usually equivalent to the rent for one or two months (for example, Bezrealitky).

Apartments for rent can also be found via Facebook groups such as Flat Rent Prague, Flats for rent in Prague, and FLAT RENTALS with NO COMMISSION.

The costs of rental living are generally much higher than if you have your own apartment and rental rates in the city centre are higher than on the outskirts. Most people commute to work; the Prague public transport system is efficient and affordable. Before you start seeking accommodation, it is advisable to get to know the individual districts of Prague as this provides a good pre-selection criterion if you have to browse a high number of search returns.