Access to the buildings
Making it to the Faculty
The official residence of the Faculty of Science is at Albertov 6 in Prague 2. Its other buildings are located in the following streets: Hlavova, Viničná, Benátská, Horská, and Legerova.
The Department of Physical Education resides within the Charles University’s Sports Centre (SCUK) at Bruslařská 10, Prague 10 – Hostivař.
Buildings that house Faculty of Science classrooms
A3 – Albertov 3 (part of the Chemistry and Geology Sections – a blue prefab building on the way towards the canteen);
A6 – Albertov 6 (Dean’s Office, Geography and Geology Sections);
B2 – Benátská 2 (Department of Botany, Institute for Environmental Studies);
H8 – Hlavova 8 (Chemistry Section);
V5 – Viničná 5 (Departments of Experimental Plant Biology; Genetics and Microbiology; and Cell Biology);
V7 – Viničná 7 (other Biology departments).
To navigate the Faculty premises, you can use the maps printed here and the photographs on the Faculty website ( In addition to the table below, which lists the classrooms included in the schedule, you can also find a description in the SIS (if you click on the classroom abbreviation, its description will appear above the schedule – capacity, etc.;
The “right/left/back” information given in the Building – Location column applies when you are standing on the right floor, having arrived along the staircase; if there are multiple staircases in the building, this applies to the main staircase reached after coming in through the main entrance.
Biocev ( in Vestec near Prague (Průmyslová 595, Vestec) is a new workplace shared by Charles University and the Academy of Sciences. The facility hosts the scientific component of the Faculty’s activities – not the educational component.